May 16, 2011

Weekly Events

*All Week: Spring Book Fair in the library... 

Mon. May 16:  Panther Awards Assembly (3rd Qtr) - Way to go!!

Tues. May 17:  Tonight is our Annual Silent Auction & BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT beginning at 5:30pm.  There will also be Taco Dinners avaialble for $6/per person from 4:30-6.  Don't forget to visit the book fair while you are there.

Go Panthers!

May 10, 2011

Weekly Events

Keep up the GREAT work Panthers ~ this week we continue STAR Testing...

Thurs May 12th:  General PTA Meeting at 8:15am in the Daycare Portable.

*Next week is our Spring Book Fair in our Panorama Library!  If you would be able to work a shift please email us at with a day that you are able to help.  Thank you ~

GO Panthers!!