December 13, 2010

Weekly Events

Tuesday Dec 14 - Thursday Dec 16th:  It's the annual Holiday Boutique.  Students can shop for friends and family in the library. (Most gifts are under $3)

Wednesday Dec 15th: 
  • CHiPs for Kids:  they will be loading up their trucks at Panorma for their annual toy drive!
  • Fresh & Easy Shopping Night:  you can shop, volunteer or BOTH  ~
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market
1803 E. Chapman, Orange / 714-538-5393
(corner of Chapman & Tustin Ave.)
from 4-8pm 

You can also help Panorama by shopping at Fresh & Easy this Wednesday night between the hours of 4pm-8pm. 5% of your purchase will be donated by Fresh & Easy back to Panorama. Also, if you give your receipt to Panorama, Fresh & Easy will also donate $1.00 of every $20.00 you spend back to our school.

We are also looking for 10 Volunteers that evening for a 2 hour shift - please email Shannon at if you are able to help.  How great to shop for your family and help Panorama at the same time!  We hope to see you there...

Friday Dec 17th:  Last day before Winter break - school will resume January 10th 2011!

December 5, 2010

Weekly Events

Saturday Dec 4- Thursday Dec 9th:

It's Restaurant Night all week!
Wise Guys Pizzeria

& Fish House Market & Grill
(both on the corner of Newport & Chapman in Pacific Ranch Market shopping center)
20% of your food bill will be DONATED back to Panorama.

WG and FH Flyer 2010

Thursday Dec 9th: Our annual PTA holiday luncheon / meeting - 11:30am at Wise Guys Pizzeria.  There will be an ornament gift exchange ($10 limit) if you would like to participate.

Thursday Dec 9th:  Shopping Night at Tanya B Boutique (see flyer)

Tanya B 2010

*We are also accepting CHiPS for Kids gifts all week in the office! (see flyer below)

November 30, 2010

Weekly Events

Welcome back from your Thanksgiving Break...

Tuesday Nov 30th:  Talent Show 2011 submissions are DUE

Wednesday Dec 1st:  6th Grade Panoramic Picture Day
1:15-2:30pm - Inflatable party for Panther Challenge Reward...
Today we will also be delivering 10 gift baskets for the teachers at 
(Additional donations will be accepted by noon Dec 1st - thank you!)

*Beginning this week through Dec. 14th...
Panorama we will be collecting for CHIPs for Kids (see flyer)

2010 Chips for Kids

November 16, 2010

Weekly Events

Monday Nov. 15th:  Vision & Hearing screening Grades- K, 1st (boys), 2nd and 5th.

Wednesday Nov. 17th: School Picture Make-up Day. 

Also... tonight is our

BOOKFAIR and Chick Fil-A Restaurant Night

Bookfair 11.17.10

Thursday Nov. 18th:  General PTA Meeting at 8:15am in the Daycare building.  We will have a recap of the Carnival, Panther Challenge and our Education Enrichment Fundraisers.

Friday Nov. 19th:  Panther Awards Assembly. (You will be notified by your teacher if your child is recieving an award).  Today is also the LAST DAY to turn in much needed food donations for the Friendly Center of Orange

* Thank you for your support! * 

FoodDrive Panorama

November 9, 2010

Weekly Events

Tuesday Nov 9th:  6th graders have a MINIMUM DAY - out at 12:15pm

Wednesday Nov 10th:  Turn in orders for Panorama Spirit Wear to the RED PTA Mailbox.  Executive PTA board meeting at 11:30am.

Thursday Nov 11th & Friday Nov 12th:  NO SCHOOL in observance of Veterans' Day.

  • Monday Nov. 15th - Hearing & Vision Screening
  • Keep turning in your items all week for the FOOD DRIVE
  • Get your act together - for the talent show.  Submissions are due on the 30th.

November 1, 2010

Weekly Events

Monday Nov. 1st - Friday Nov. 5th:
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Minimum Days - dismissal at 12:15 (Kinder on same schedule)
  • 6th graders at Outdoor Science Camp

*Also- a reminder to set your clock's back one hour this Sunday November 7th....  

October 26, 2010

Weekly Events

The 2010 theme for RED RIBBON WEEK is "I AM DRUG FREE"... 

Monday- Students recieve 'Stay Drug Free' bracelet
Tuesday- 11am assembly
Thursday-  Bring in your PENNIES FOR PREVENTION
Friday- Wear RED to get licorice!

Friday Oct. 29th-
  • End of the 1st Qtr and a MINIMUM DAY. 
  • The LAST DAY to join the All-Star competition for PTA Membership - the winning class gets an ice cream party!  (Forms can be downloaded in the right column)  
  • Our Fall Harvest Carnival will begin after school!

If you haven't already done so please don't forget to order your 2010-2011 Panorama Calendar Magnet!  They are only $5 and help support 6th grade activities... 

Don't forget about Grandma and the babysitter - they might want one too.  They are in stock and delivered to the class within a day or two.

Calendar Flyer

Our Box Tops Contest was a HUGE SUCCESS!!  The grand total collected by Oct 22nd was 11,532 Box Tops!  The top five classes were as follows:

* Mrs. Surman's Kindergarten class with 1869 Box Tops *
Rosselli- 1496
Oliver- 1383
Romo- 1270

The contest maybe over but keep clipping and sending them in...
Thank you for the overwhelming response!!

October 12, 2010

Weekly Events

Wednesday Oct 13th:  Executive PTA Metting

Thursday Oct 14th: General PTA Meeting at 8:15am in the Daycare Portable. 

Friday Oct 15th:  Panther Challenge

Oct 22- Final day to turn in BOX TOPS for class contest!
Oct 25-29 Red Ribbon Week
Oct 29- Fall Carnival / End of 1st Qtr / Minimum Day

September 27, 2010

Weekly Events

It is especially HOT this week!
Please pack kids an extra water or cool beverage.

Monday Sept. 27th:  Art Masters (Emerson 8:360am & Rosselli 10am) 

Tuesday Sept. 28th:  Art Masters (Irwin 10am, Mayville 12:10pm)

Wednesday Sept. 29th:  Art Masters (Williams 10:15am, Romo 12:05pm)

Thursday Sept. 30th:  Art Masters (Thompson 10am)

Friday Oct. 1st:  Art Masters (Holter/Rice 10:30am, Oliver 1:30pm)
Also - Today 6th grade Outdoor Science Camp 1st payment is DUE!

* It's time to turn in your Box Tops *

  • Place Box Tops in a ziploc bag or envelope. 
  • Write your child's name & their teacher's last name on the outside of the bag/envelope. 
  • Deposit in the pink 'Box Tops' mailbox in the front office or give to your child's teacher.

I'm sure you've been clipping and saving all summer...  now it's time to turn them into Cash for Panorama!  The class that collects the most Box Tops by October 22nd will earn a pizza party.

It's easy money.  Encourage your friends and family to clip and save for us.  Every Box Top counts towards helping our school!
Visit for a complete list of participating Box Tops products. If you have any questions please contact our Box Tops Coordinator Ms. Tara Bullock.

Thank you & Go Panthers!!

September 20, 2010

Weekly Events

Tuesday Sept. 21st-  Art Masters training in the daycare portable...
8:15-9am grades K-3rd
9:15-10am grades 4th-6th

Dutch artist - M.C. Escher

Wednesday Sept. 22nd-  
  • Picture Day!
  • Final Directory orders and submission are DUE (place in the RED PTA mailbox).
Directory Order Form

September 15, 2010

Thank you!

was a HUGE success!

A special thank you to all the staff and teachers for opening up the classrooms last night.  We appreciate the extra time put into the classroom presentations and your teacher introductions.

and just in case you didn't hear... 
Panorama is a 928 school!

With all of us working together we are in for another exciting year.
THANKS again for everyone's support!

September 13, 2010

Weekly Events

Tuesday Sept. 14th:   Back to School Night 2010
6th grade parents- The Outdoor Science educational meeting in rm.13 begins at 4:30pm.
Everyone else- Arrive at 5:30 (classrooms will open at 6pm)

*parking will be limited - carpool if you can.
**this is a parent/teacher event - no children if possible.

Wednesday Sept. 15th:  Pancake breakfast pre-orders are DUE - $4 per plate turned into the Panther Mailbox.  Please see the flyer below to review or print from home... 
Pancake Flyer 2010

Friday Sept. 17th:  3rd Annual Pancake Breakfast from 7-8am!  The flyer with info and presale pricing were sent home.  Pre-order tickets are $4 per plate and $5 at the door on Friday AM.

- A special 'thank you' for the amazing turn-out at last weeks PTA meeting!  We hope to have you all join us again next month on October 14th.

September 7, 2010

Weekly Events

Wednesday Sept 8th:  Executive PTA Meeting

Thursday Sept 9th:  Our PTA meeting is today... look for the sign. 
See you there!!

Friday Sept 10th: Grandparents Day!

September 6, 2010

August 29, 2010

Weekly Events

Wednesday Sept. 1st:  It is time to sign up your Ralph's Rewards card with Panorama.  Spread the word - friends and family can link their cards to Panorama too.  It's FREE money!! 

Friday Sept. 3rd:  Room Parent Tea is at 9am at Julie Kenny's home. 
  ~ If you are interested please contact the Room Parent Coordinator - Ms. Kathleen Gannaway at

*Don't forget that Monday Sept. 6th is a holiday and there will be NO SCHOOL!

August 25, 2010

Welcome Back

We would like to officially  Welcome all of our Panthers  to the 2010-2011 school year. 
We look forward to another fantastic year at Panorama!

Our students are already back to work...  

Are you an *All-Star* ...

2010 Membership forms are available for download on the sidebar to the right. 
The PTA appreciates your support!!
Thanks again~

August 23, 2010

Be prepared

The staff and PTA have gone to extra efforts to ease our way into the new 2010-2011 school year.
Please join us...

Welcome Back Event 
Tuesday, August 24, 2:00pm - 5:00pm
* Discover your teacher * Find out who is in your class * See your friends
* Meet the PTA * Ask questions * Turn in Welcome Packet * Have fun!

If you have not yet picked up your Welcome Packet it's not too late.  You can download the forms from our PANORAMA website HERE.  Below are the forms to bring on Tuesday:

1) Emergency Card  (TWO emergency cards per student)
You may type directly on this interactive form, or you can print the form first and then complete it. (Please note that you will not be able to save the completed form on your computer.)

2) Request for Parent Portal
Needed for new and returning students. You may type directly on this interactive form, or you can print the form first and then complete it.

3) Parent and Physician Request for Medication
Needed for student use of any medications at school. This form must be signed by your doctor and returned to school before student can begin using medication at school.
4) Native American Education Program Form
For children of Native American Indian ancestry
5) Bus Application and Information

6) OUSD Insurance Form
This form is not available online and must be picked up from the Panorama office.

The following information is also available to print and read on the Panorama Site:
  • Welcome Letter from Mrs. Moore
  • Calendar of Important Dates for Panorama
  • Daily Bell Schedule
  • Parking Lot Procedures
  • Student Dress Standards
  • August Lunch Menu
  • September Lunch Menu
  • Panorama Handbook with Rules
  • Request for Marquee Space Purchase

See you on Tuesday!